
Camakam 6st - 11th Anuvaka workshop (30th of November 2013); Munich, Germany

As per the vision of Camakam 2013 project and in continuation from the previous Camakam workshop, a final one day Camakam workshop was held in Munich, Germany on the 30th of November 2013. The aim of this workshop was detail review of Anuvakas 6 to 11 of the Camakam hymn.

More than 80 attendees joined this workshop from countries spreading all over Europe, such as, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Slovenia and UK.

Doors of the workshop venue opened at 9h allowing everybody to comfortably and in a peaceful surrounding prepare themselves for the day long Veda event.

Gathering before the start of the workshop

After the usual invocatory prayers, the workshop officially started at 10h. Anil, host of this Munich workshop, opened the workshop with his eloquent speech reminding everybody the spiritual meaning of the Vedas. Next followed Branimir Gonan, co-founder of Veda Union, who presented the path and history of Veda Union. Vojko Kercan, co- founder of Veda Union, followed lastly with a few grammatical and technical remarks on the method of learning the Camakam hymn.

Anil in his opening remarks

Branimir on Veda Union

Vojko on learning method

The first Camakam class was led by Branimir and Vojko where 6st - 8th Anuvaka were reviewed in detail.

Morning Camakam class

After a short break, next class was led by Anil where 9th - 11th Anuvaka were reviewed in detail. Before every Anuvaka, Anil gave a short introductory remarks on the specific anuvaka being learnt.

Branimir and Vojko leading the first class

Anil leading the second class

Lunch was served to all at 14h allowing everybody to recharge their energies for the final part of the workshop, 6 times continuous chanting of Sri Rudram Camakam hymns.

Serving with devotion

Enjoying the sacred food offering

As a preparation for 11 times continuous chanting of Sri Rudrama Camakam hymns, 6 times continuous chanting followed with the Camakam hymns learned and reviewed in this workhops.

Gents leading continuous Sri Rudram Camakam chanting in high pitch

Continuous chanting with rapt attention

After the high-pitched chanting, which spread the sacred vibrations throughout the workshop venue and beyond, the daily proceedings came to a close with bhajans.

Bhagawan's altar

Concluding the Camakam 2013 project with this workshop, a long term Veda Union goal, to unite Veda chanting groups and organizations in Europe by organizing collective chanting of Sri Rudram Camakam hymns in different locations throughout Europe, can now unfold. This initiative entitle Rudram 11 will endeavour to organize 11 events at 11 different locations in Europe with 11 continuous repetitions of Sri Rudram Camakam hymns at each event.