Camakam 1st - 5th Anuvaka workshop (13th of April 2013); Padua, Italy
As per the vision of Camakam 2013 project, a project which promotes learning of Camakam hymn by the end of 2013, Veda Union, in cooperation with local Sai Torre Group, organized Camakam 1st - 5th Anuvaka workshop on 13th of April 2013 in Padua, Italy. The aim of the workshop was to review in detail the anuvakas 1 to 5 of Camakam hymn and to align the chanting of different groups from different regions.
More than 90 people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia and Switzerland have attended this unique event.
Registration counter was opened at 9h where each attendee received Camakam text and material explaining some of the grammatical rules which occur during the learning process of the hymn.

Registration desk
The official proceedings started at 10h with the opening prayers and lighting the lamp by Branimir Gonan, co-founder of Veda Union. Silvia Veleda, as a representative of Sai Torre Group, warmly greeted everybody and wished that if not otherwise, at least on this day, we should forget our petty feelings and problems and surrender ourselves to the beauty and grandeur of Vedic recitations. Branimir’s short introductory speech followed where he stressed the importance of humility in approaching the Vedic knowledge. His speech also served as an introduction to the next topic presented by Vojko Kercan, co-founder of Veda Union. In his presentation, Vojko briefly introduced the Camakam hymn, its general meaning and application and explained the Camakam learning process with some grammatical rules which occur during learning.



After almost an hour long introductory session, the practical part started at 11h with 1st Anuvaka Camakam class.

Following the class with rapt attention
The following carefully thought off and detailed learning process was followed throughout the morning session. First, only single words of the objects which are prayed for in every mantra have been learnt and recited. This method of word recitation (pada) was adopted in order that attendees appreciate, meditate and further study main words of each prayer. Next, one mantra at the time was taken and recited as a single entity. Next followed recitation of two mantras, but in an overlapping method (krama). This was followed by recitation of two mantras, four mantras and eight mantras as single entities. The learning was concluded by chanting the full anuvaka. In this way, the process was repeated for all first 5 anuvakas of the Camakam hymn which finished at 13h.
Vegetarian lunch was served during the lunch break where all attendees enjoyed delicious preparations and mutual company.

Waiting in line for lunch

Serving with love
Afternoon session, which started at 14h, began with brief repetition of anuvakas learned during the morning session.

Afternoon Camakam class in progress
Next followed the highlight of the event, five times continuous chanting of Sri Rudram Camakam hymns. In order to gradually prepare ourselves for our ultimate goal, Sri Rudram Camakam 11 rounds chanting (where after every Sri Rudram one anuvaka of Camakam is added until completion of the whole Camakam hymn), first 5 Camakam anuvakas, which were learned in the morning sessions, were taken and thus 5 rounds of Sri Rudram Camakam hymns were chanted. High pitched chanting, which even increased in the last round, lasted for an hour and a half and was concluded at 17h.

Continuous chanting of Sri Rudram Camakam hymns
The final part of this Veda event were soulstringing bhajans conducted by Sai Torre Group.

Soulstringing bhajans by Sai Torre Group
The event was officially concluded by ceremonial waving of the lamp in front of the image of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, a silent guide and director of Veda Union.

Nicely decorated chair of Bhagawan
From the depths of our hearts we thank everybody who helped organize this event or participated in any way. Italian hospitality and organization are not to be forgotten. We eagerly anticipate the next Veda Union event.