Sri Rudram 2nd - 4th Anuvaka workshop (2nd of October 2010); Ljubljana, Slovenia
As per the vision of Rudram 2012 project, which aims at uniting Veda chanting groups and organizations in Europe through collective chanting of Sri Rudram, Veda Union has organized a one day workshop for 2nd, 3rd and 4th Anuvaka of Sri Rudram.
This unique event was held on Saturday, 2nd of October 2010 in Parinama center, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The aim of the workshop was to review in detail the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Anuvaka of Sri Rudram and to align the chanting of different groups from different regions and thus move closer to the final goal of collective chanting of Sri Rudram by the year 2012.
Preparations for the workshop have started already in July 2010 and involved several activities such as finding the appropriate hall, preparing the chanting and promotional materials and co-ordinating invitations, registrations and arrivals of different groups.
All groups were kept very busy during this time with the learning process in order to complete first four Anuvakas of Sri Rudram by the workshop date according to the Rudram 2012 timeline.

Flag and altar
And finaly on Saturday, 2nd of October 2010, the workshop started at 9h with registration of attendees, welcome tea and sweet snacks. Each attendee received a Veda Union badge and Sri Rudram devanagari, transliteration and English translation text.

Registration desk

Workshop material and badge
Beautiful altar with Shiva lingam image and Shiva idol decorated with fresh flowers and fruit offering was specially and carefully created for this event only.

The first class lead by Vojko Kercan, co-founder of Veda Union, started at 10h with brief introduction of Veda Union and Rudram 2012 project, followed by quick revision of 1st Anuvaka of Sri Rudram. A short break followed after united chanting of 1st Anuvaka.

Vojko leading 1st Anuvaka class

The gathering
Before the start of second class, expected group of 30 people from Zagreb, Croatia arrived, thus increasing the total number of workshop attendees to 77.

Attendees from Chez Republic, Croatia and Slovenia
With the event hall fully packed with participants from Chez Republic, Croatia and Slovenia, the 2nd Anuvaka class, lead by Vojko and Branimir Gonan, co-founder of Veda Union, started with great enthusiasm and continued with 3rd Anuvaka class until lunch break at 13h.

Vojko and Branimir leading the Sri Rudram class

Class supported by visual presentation
During one hour lunch break, the attendees enjoyed excellent vegetarian food and mutual company, so important for spiritual advancement.

Distributing lunch

Enjoying good food and good company
Exactly at 14h, the last class of the day, detailed revision of 4th Anuvaka started which was followed by united chanting of first four Anuvakas of Sri Rudram.

Chanting with rapt attention
The chanting was repeated 3 times in different methods. After the last one, universal prayer for peace and prosperity of all beings followed.
Concluding the official workshop program, one hour bhajan session was lead by Sai Surya Bhajan Group from Ljubljana, Slovenia. Bhajan session dedicated to Lord Shiva was concluded with Lingashtakam and Sarva Dharma prayer.

Sai Surya Bhajan group leading Shiva bhajans

Singing with devotion
Exactly at 17h the first Veda workshop in Ljubljana conluded succesfully with the distribution of fruit offering to all attendees.
Superb organization, united chanting, delicious food, wonderful company and spellbounding altar will be cherished as a truly memorable event by all. A huge thanks to the attendees, organizers and all who helped in any way in making this workshop such a uniqe event.
To see a few video clips from this event please visit: