Rudram 11 - Padua, Italy (23rd of May 2015)
The third Rudram 11 event was held in Padua, Italy, on Saturday, 23.5.2015 in beautiful spiritual environment dedicated to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Again, many participants from several European countries joined this noble aim of spreading the sacred vibrations throughout Europe.
The program started exactly at 10 o'clock with introductory prayers and welcome address, immediately followed by continuous 11 times chanting of Sri Rudram Camakam hymns. The divine event ended with devotional music programme.

Invocation prayers

Chanting Sri Rudram Camakam hymns

Rapt in chanting and meditation

During the final of eleven rounds

Ladies leading devotional music program...

...and gents.

Bhajan bliss
We wholeheartedly invite you to a fourth Rudram 11 event which will take place in Budapest (Hungary) on 26th of September 2015.
From the depths of our hearts we thank everybody who helped organize this event or participated in any way. We eagerly anticipate the next Veda Union Rudram 11 event.