Rudram 11 - Budapest, Hungary (26th of September 2015)
Rudram 11 is a Veda Union project with the goal to organize 11 times continuous chanting of Sri Rudram Camakam hymns at 11 different locations in Europe. These magnificent hymns will thus be chanted overall 121 times in different locations by numerous devotees of God and will spread the sacred vibration throughout European subcontinent.
The fourth of 11 such unique Rudram chanting events was held on 26th of September 2015 in Piliscsaba, which is located northwest from Budapest, Hungary. Besides the regular Sri Rudram Camakam chanting, this event was enriched with two special guests, Mrs. Veena Patel and Dr. Sekhar Boddupalli.


Hall with eager to chant devotees

Chanting with full attention

Ganesha puja

Sri Sathya Sai Paduka Puja led by Mrs. Veena Patel

Bhajan bliss

Sri Sathya Sai Paduka darshan

Rapt in attention listening to Dr. Sekhar Boddupalli

We wholeheartedly invite you to a fifth Rudram 11 event which will take place in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) on 19th of March 2016.
From the depths of our hearts we thank everybody who helped organize this event or participated in any way. We eagerly anticipate the next Veda Union Rudram 11 event.