Ati Rudra Maha Yajna, Thiruvannamalai, India from 26th of July to 6th of August 2017
Ati Rudra Maha Yajna is considered by the sacred Vedic scriptures as the highest form of worship of Lord Shiva. This auspicious 11 day festival of devotion, sacrifice and wisdom was organized by the devotees of the Veda from all over the world in the sacred town of Thiruvannamalai under the holy mountain of Arunachala.
It was performed by 121 ritwiks (individuals well versed with chanting) from all over the world along with 15 priests (that are well versed in the fire sacrifice and other rituals) chanting Sri Rudram 11 times a day for 11 consecutive days along with performing ceremonial bathing of Lingam and fire sacrifices. During that period, Namakm hymn was chanted 14641 times and Camakam hymn 1331 times reverberating the sounds of sacred Vedas throughout the globe for peace and prosperity of all the beings in all the worlds.
The Yajna was officiated by a well know Vedic scholar and a teacher, Professor B. S. Nanjunda Dixit (Bangalore, India), who has conducted two Ati Rudra Maha Yajnas in the divine presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
This event was offered at Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's lotus feet commemorating the 99th Aradhana Mahostavam of Shirdi Bhagawan, the previous incarnation of Sathya Sai.